hello beijing – day two!

HAHAH this beijing trip happened like 6 months ago but i’m still at day 2. lazy like mad. AND this bu4 xiao4 nu3 finally developed the photos for her parents yesterday. my mother said “wa! ni zhong yu she de ying gei wo men le!”

i tell you, i spent close to half an hour slowly picking the photos to print, and filtered out probably 70% of the photos but still ended up printing 300+ pictures. $83 buckeroos. which makes me wonder how much i’ll spend if i print all the pictures i took in 2009, hmmm.

day 2, 1st oct, was china’s national day.

so basically, EVERYWHERE was closed.

our itinerary for the day was to sit in some restaurant, munch on free-flow of peanuts while enjoying the ceremony on tv. our national day parade is in the evening however theirs STARTS in the morning. key word is “START” because basically their parade is a whole-day event


HAHA i do this every morning. 😀

but do you know that i’m always the one waiting for my brother to be ready?


look at how cheap their parking is!

there were a lot of enthu tour mates who moved their chairs all the way in front so as to get a better view. i shifted all the way to the back to read the story book i brought. hahah yes, i am very prepared for boring moments like this

off to the next stop, TIANJIN.

it was a long long bus ride

the streets in tianjin are generally a lot narrower than those that you see in beijing.

and tianjin was where all the drama started

(1) our coach’s aircon system broke down

(2) our coach knocked into a taxi and that female taxi driver demanded 5000RMB or sth like that.

i went down to kpo the drama between the coach driver and the taxi driver and WA IT WAS FIERCE! not the filled-with-vulgarities kinda fierce, but it’s more of the tone and volume used that was pretty scary.

our first stop in tianjin was some porcelain museum in Tianjin decorated with 400 million pieces of ancient porcelain

actually you can choose to pay an admission fee to tour the museum but i think we were happy enough with taking photos of the exterior. haha


some random street shots of tianjin


seriously we ate non-stop this day. first was peanuts, then lunch, and before we know it, they brought us to the famous tianjin’s ‘Food Street’


it’s freshly deep-fried .crispy and SUPER FLOURYYY.

i bought one small packet and ended up buying 2 boxes. my father got a huge shock when he saw me carrying those two boxes (hahah that expression was classic!) but anyway my parents gave those two boxes away

after food, we went off to the renowned antique street

i love being a tourist. especially when everything is so different from singapore



where i met my eyecandy for the second time wahahaha

their train station;


so sweet.

haha can’t stand myself

so it was back to beijing to catch some kungfu show at the red theatre. the show was NOT BAD.. almost similar to what we watched the day before. a fusion of acrobatics, kungfu and dance. but i think i fell asleep during the show

by the time we finished the show it was already nine odd and we had to rush off to some rural area to watch fireworks. apparently china doesn’t announce the fireworks spots until half one hour before the fireworks display itself. so you really gotta have the connections before you know where to camp for a nice fireworks view. why so secretive?

eighteen minutes of fireworks display. too bad the place was a little too dark and sleazy, but i’m contented enough!

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