Tagged: beijing

hello beijing – day three!

came back home today and saw the two albums of beijing pictures that i’ve developed for my parents lying on the table. my parents must be missing the times haha. mental note: shall try to squeeze in a short holiday with them towards the end of the year!

while looking through the pictures, i realized my fringe was so much shorter during the trip!

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hello beijing – day two!

HAHAH this beijing trip happened like 6 months ago but i’m still at day 2. lazy like mad. AND this bu4 xiao4 nu3 finally developed the photos for her parents yesterday. my mother said “wa! ni zhong yu she de ying gei wo men le!”

i tell you, i spent close to half an hour slowly picking the photos to print, and filtered out probably 70% of the photos but still ended up printing 300+ pictures. $83 buckeroos. which makes me wonder how much i’ll spend if i print all the pictures i took in 2009, hmmm.

day 2, 1st oct, was china’s national day.

so basically, EVERYWHERE was closed.

our itinerary for the day was to sit in some restaurant, munch on free-flow of peanuts while enjoying the ceremony on tv. our national day parade is in the evening however theirs STARTS in the morning. key word is “START” because basically their parade is a whole-day event


HAHA i do this every morning. 😀

but do you know that i’m always the one waiting for my brother to be ready?


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