Tagged: brunch

◣ spathe public house

had a birthday lunch with the friends-for-the-longest time at spathe public house & before we know it, it was close to 4 and we were asked to leave :p it’s amazing how talks of renovation and punggol took up the entire afternoon but it was still fun listening to the pungolians going into great details of how punggol isn’t as bad as it sounds hahahaa


it was a place to catch up. with interesting and filling dishes (i love my crispy chicken waffle) 🙂

and what they are best known for is probably their truffle fries.

seriously! what’s truffle fries when you have garlic fries??

hahaha kidding! though we all agreed that the garlic fries was good stuff, i still prefer truffle fries very much :p


I LOVE THE CRISPY CHICKEN! & the sauce. & the waffle.

the desserts on the menu seemed pretty yummy but we were all too full to give it a try. but it’s ok, since it’s at clarke quay, i’m definitely going back again sometime soon 😀

how i Skyved my afternoon away!

not being able to type the letter ‘a’ and exclamation mark really has an inertia effect on blogging. so pardon the random disappearance of ‘a’ and less boring sentences (due to lesser exclamation marks) because it’s quite tiring to copy-and-paste :p

SO! after hearing so much and seeing so much (instagram is really evil) about Skyve, i finally made my way down there with shena & faith to celebrate faith’s much much belated birthday. (happy birthday again faith!)

and Skyve definitely didn’t disappoint 😀

my favorite gotta either be the ricotta pancakes with the to-die-for passionfruit butter (seriously, the butter really made a HUGE difference – so yummy that we asked for a second serving in fact :x) or the madame croque which is basically just.. a very well-done grilled ham and cheese sandwich haha

we were pretty pleased with our jug of fruit juice. healthy living ttm. hurhur

see, so good that we finished everything!

and how not to love a place when their service staff were so nice to offer group shot? 🙂

it’s been a long long time since i had such a fulfilling afternoon and no doubt that the good food, great company and quiet environment definitely played a big part! i’ll be bacckkkkk.

brunch at privé bakery cafe

long heard about privé  for its relaxing ambience but because

(1) it isn’t exactly the most accessible brunch place, and

(2) i’m so busy clearing my sleep debts over the weekends

brunch plans at privé was put on hold for the longest time.

but FINALLY, all thanks to the long weekend and ja’s birthday…


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