Tagged: Shanghai

Top ten of Shanghai (ii)

a continuation of this post


#6. Ling Shan – the 88m tall copper buddha statue

i’ve always wanted to visit the grand buddha at lantau island because it feels like i’m the only one who hasn’t been there. so suaku. but who knows! there’s one at Ling Shan (somewhere around shanghai) too!

only my mum took up the challenge

i really admire the folks who climbed up, it really wasn’t easy especially when the tour guide only gave us 30 minutes of free&easy time. can you imagine how stressful it must have been for them?

so the really old ones spent their 30 mins resting instead of conquering those daunting steps.

this Ling Shan place is actually pretty big. they have this huge museum that looks like a palace

and we have to wear these over our shoes to ensure cleanliness in the palace

hahahah can’t stop thinking we look like ducks

strangely, the rabbit is the fiercest at home.


#7. interesting english

this needs no elaboration

on top of all the “Slip carefully” or something to that effect in all the hotel rooms:p


#8. the other side of the bund – Lu Jia Zhui

Lu Jia Zhui is shanghai’s main financial district. this is also where all the nice skyscrapers gather:) apparently, a lot of effort has been put into designing each and single one of these skyscrapers to give this district a different look each year. we were brought to the 94th level of this shanghai world financial center to have a  panoramic view of the city!

and the alternate view of this buidling

cool right? even the lift is pretty cool

so different from the bund right? one side filled with renaissance-style buildings,while the other is filled with contemporary skyscrapers. i won’t say that i like china, but i must really say that their progress over these years is really pretty impressive.


#9. cruise along Huang Pu river

if i’m not wrong, huangpu river lies between The Bund and main commercial zone (Lu jia zui) so you can imagine the sight as we cruise along these two icons of Shanghai.

because my camera was dying towards the end (auto-focus function totally died), i had to make do with manual focus and as you can see, there’s lesser pictures of the family because it’s too hard to get strangers to do manual focus for us. 😦 what a pity

especially when manual focus isn’t exactly tailor-made for people with lousy eyesight. like me.


#10. three kingdoms park

for someone who hasn’t watched 三國演義, i didn’t find this place particularly interesting. but my father was so excited that he insisted to do this:

glad that they have a “playground” to keep people like me entertained

and the best part of this place, must be the soldiers at the entrance.


so i couldn’t resist not taking a picture with him


initially i thought it would be hard to come up with ten highlights of the trip but hey, it wasn’t difficult at all! i could easily list another five i think:) anyway, as much as i hate the rude PRCs who couldn’t care less about the people whom they push and shove in order to get past the crowd, and those who spit even though they are in the middle of a queue, i’m really thankful for this trip because in another ten or twenty years time, i really doubt my parents can climb those crazy steps and walk those crazy distance to keep up with the pace of the tour and truly enjoy themselves anymore. age is a scary thing huh? grow old slowly and healthily pls.

Top ten of Shanghai 2011(i)

i think i won’t blog about shanghai in details because it’s too time-consuming! but  i’ve decided to come up with this ‘Top 10 of Shanghai” so i can read back to remember what are the places, events and moments worth remembering in future!;)

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