Tagged: breakfast

toasted kaya buns!

gotta love Singapore for its wide variety of food choices. we have no lack of restaurants/bars with yummy finger food for us to spend some good quality time with friends after work and over the weekends. and i love quiet brunch places which offers me nice fluffy pancakes and pretty scenery.

most importantly! i’m glad that simple places like this old-school bakery still exist whenever we feel nostalgic:)

faith says we gotta come early before the crowd starts swarming in but we must be super lucky or something. plenty of empty seats, no need to queue! 😀 another thing about it being not-so-crowded is that i can snap away without people thinking i’m mad

the aunties behind the nice old-school buns and sugee cakes

hello faith! :d

and here’s what we had while waiting for the rest!


hahaha sorry i think i am probably too suaku! have never seen toasted kaya buns before 😡 you know how some things always look better than it taste? this definitely tastes as good/even better than it looks!

it’s so small that one bun is never enuf.

please don’t be as silly as me / brendon to think that it’s egg tarts. it’s CUSTARD TARTS.

shimin and alibaba joined us soon when they were placing their order for the toasted kaya buns, we realized there’s two bread types to choose from! one is of course the normal plain white bread (i.e. the one we had earlier), another is the raisin bread. so there we go … ROUND TWO.

hehe i preferred the raisins one!

thank you faithie for recommending this place and it’s really like a visit to the 1960s – the sort of scene you only see in our channel 8 dramas ahahah. and when we asked for the bill ..

receipt calculated manually on a paper! you can tell that ours was a complicated calculation because all of us came at different time and thus the many many seperate orders haha

and yep. i’ll be back chin mee chin confectionery! 😀